Activities - november 2023

Guest Speaker
Rtn Masroor Malik and his wife Dr. Simee attended the club’s fortnightly meeting. Gifts were exchanged and the club flag presented to them.

Launch of Global Grant

RCKNC and Rotary Club of Solon, Ohio launched the Global Grant Project for the Children’s Emergency Room (ER) at NICH managed by ChildLife Foundation.

Fundraiser and fellowship Tambola Event

RCKNC Organized a fun filled Tambola evening, for members, friends and their families  to raise funds for the club.

Session on Tuberculosis

Rtn. Dr.Arjumand conducted an interactive session on tuberculosis at AF School Sabzi Mandi branch.

Activity with Interact Members

RCKNC organized a visit to Hafiz Leather Jacket Manufacturing Factory to increase the knowledge and experience of our young members of the Interact Club